Video Mouse Keyboard
After v1.4.5, custom shortcut keys are supported. Find the shortcuts configuration item, where key is the button name on the web UI and value is the specific button.
sudo -s
vim /mnt/exec/release/config/app.json
## default config:
"shortcuts": {
"Ctrl+Alt+Del": ["ControlLeft","AltLeft","Delete"],
"Alt+Tab": ["AltLeft","Tab"],
"Alt+F4": ["AltLeft","F4"],
"Alt+Enter": ["AltLeft","Enter"],
"Ctrl+W": ["ControlLeft","KeyW"]
The key names have uniqueness, and the specific key names are provided below
"{backspace}": "Backspace",
"{tab}": "Tab",
"{enter}": "Enter",
"{shiftleft}": "ShiftLeft",
"{shiftright}": "ShiftRight",
"{altleft}": "AltLeft",
"{altright}": "AltRight",
"{prtscr}": "PrtScr",
"{pause}": "Pause",
"{scrolllock}": "ScrollLock",
"{controlleft}": "ControlLeft",
"{controlright}": "ControlRight",
"{metaleft}": "MetaLeft",
"{metaright}": "MetaRight",
"{capslock}": "CapsLock",
"{escape}": "Escape",
"{space}": "Space",
"{pageup}": "PageUp",
"{pagedown}": "PageDown",
"{end}": "End",
"{home}": "Home",
"{arrowleft}": "ArrowLeft",
"{arrowup}": "ArrowUp",
"{arrowright}": "ArrowRight",
"{arrowdown}": "ArrowDown",
"{insert}": "Insert",
"{delete}": "Delete",
// Digits keys
1: "Digit1",
2: "Digit2",
3: "Digit3",
4: "Digit4",
5: "Digit5",
6: "Digit6",
7: "Digit7",
8: "Digit8",
9: "Digit9",
0: "Digit0",
"!": "Digit1", // ! maps to the '1' key
"@": "Digit2", // @ maps to the '2' key
"#": "Digit3", // # maps to the '3' key
$: "Digit4", // $ maps to the '4' key
"%": "Digit5", // % maps to the '5' key
"^": "Digit6", // ^ maps to the '6' key
"&": "Digit7", // & maps to the '7' key
"*": "Digit8", // * maps to the '8' key
"(": "Digit9", // ( maps to the '9' key
")": "Digit0", // ) maps to the '0' key
a: "KeyA",
b: "KeyB",
c: "KeyC",
d: "KeyD",
e: "KeyE",
f: "KeyF",
g: "KeyG",
h: "KeyH",
i: "KeyI",
j: "KeyJ",
k: "KeyK",
l: "KeyL",
m: "KeyM",
n: "KeyN",
o: "KeyO",
p: "KeyP",
q: "KeyQ",
r: "KeyR",
s: "KeyS",
t: "KeyT",
u: "KeyU",
v: "KeyV",
w: "KeyW",
x: "KeyX",
y: "KeyY",
z: "KeyZ",
A: "KeyA",
B: "KeyB",
C: "KeyC",
D: "KeyD",
E: "KeyE",
F: "KeyF",
G: "KeyG",
H: "KeyH",
I: "KeyI",
J: "KeyJ",
K: "KeyK",
L: "KeyL",
M: "KeyM",
N: "KeyN",
O: "KeyO",
P: "KeyP",
Q: "KeyQ",
R: "KeyR",
S: "KeyS",
T: "KeyT",
U: "KeyU",
V: "KeyV",
W: "KeyW",
X: "KeyX",
Y: "KeyY",
Z: "KeyZ",
"-": "Minus",
_: "Minus",
"=": "Equal",
"+": "Equal",
"[": "BracketLeft",
"{": "BracketLeft",
"]": "BracketRight",
"}": "BracketRight",
"|": "Backslash",
"\\": "Backslash",
"`": "Backquote",
"~": "Backquote",
";": "Semicolon",
":": "Semicolon",
"'": "Quote",
'"': "Quote",
",": "Comma",
"<": "Comma",
".": "Period",
">": "Period",
"/": "Slash",
"?": "Slash",
// Numpad keys
"{numpad0}": "Numpad0",
"{numpad1}": "Numpad1",
"{numpad2}": "Numpad2",
"{numpad3}": "Numpad3",
"{numpad4}": "Numpad4",
"{numpad5}": "Numpad5",
"{numpad6}": "Numpad6",
"{numpad7}": "Numpad7",
"{numpad8}": "Numpad8",
"{numpad9}": "Numpad9",
"{numlock}": "numlock",
"{numpadmultiply}": "NumpadMultiply",
"{numpadadd}": "NumpadAdd",
"{numpadsubtract}": "NumpadSubtract",
"{numpaddecimal}": "NumpadDecimal",
"{numpaddivide}": "NumpadDivide",
"{numpadenter}": "NumpadEnter",
// Function keys
"{f1}": "F1",
"{f2}": "F2",
"{f3}": "F3",
"{f4}": "F4",
"{f5}": "F5",
"{f6}": "F6",
"{f7}": "F7",
"{f8}": "F8",
"{f9}": "F9",
"{f10}": "F10",
"{f11}": "F11",
"{f12}": "F12"
Last update:
March 20, 2025
Created: May 7, 2023
Created: May 7, 2023